CAN Newsletter Submission Form

The CAN Newsletter is the bi-monthly e-newsletter for anyone interested in staying informed on the activities of the Canadian Accessibility Network and CAN Collaborators.


Submissions that will be accepted for the newsletter include:

– Events, activities and learning opportunities related to accessibility that are open for anyone to attend
– Funding opportunities related to accessibility
– Good news stories from CAN Collaborators


Thank you for sharing opportunities with the Network!

Newsletters are distributed the first week of each of these months – January, March, May, July, September, November. Submissions must be made by the 15th of the month PRIOR unless notified otherwise, in order to be included in the next newsletter (i.e. December 15th for January, February 15th for March, etc.).


If you have questions about including something in the newsletter please contact our National Office at [email protected].

Please keep submissions to 100 words or less. The CAN National Office will edit the submission length if necessary. Please note the time zone and language associated with your submission if applicable. Please provide both English and French text if possible.
Which issue would you like to include your news item in?