The Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN) is a pan-Canadian network representing public, private, not-for-profit, academic, community service providers, and advocacy groups that are committed to advancing accessibility for persons with disabilities, and it is committed to respecting and achieving good governance. The Network is supported by the CAN National Office, which is located within the Accessibility Institute at Carleton University, in Ottawa, however it is governed by two bodies of the Network:
Approved members of CAN Collaborator Organizations are also actively involved in our Communities of Practice, where they play an integral role in enacting the business of the Network.
To learn more about the Network and how these bodies are governed, we invite you to review the following documents:
Guiding Vision, Mission and Principles
Advisory Council Terms of Reference
Governing Council Terms of Reference
Communities of Practice Guidelines
These items are used in guiding the day-to-day operation of the work of the Network and are subject to review from year to year, or as needed, in response to the priorities of the Network.
The time commitment for becoming involved with either of these governing bodies varies, dependent on the work of the group and/or the role of the member.
For a better understanding, see our:
Time Commitments for Councils
Meetings for these governing bodies take place at varying times of the year.
Please check the 2024-2025 CAN Meeting Calendar for the current dates and times for meetings of each group.
The Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN) works diligently each year to create significant change in the areas of accessibility and inclusion. As we reflect on each year’s progress, we are reminded of the collective efforts that drive positive change for individuals of all abilities across Canada.
You can learn more about the annual projects, activities, and initiatives of the Network to advance accessibility in Canada through our Annual Reports and Retrospective Reports below.
The Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN) is guided by the Strategic Priorities document available below as well.
CAN Retrospective Report, 2019-2023
CAN Annual Report, 2022-2023
CAN Strategic Priorities, 2023-2024
CAN Annual Report, 2023-2024
Interested in getting involved as a member of the Governing Council or the Advisory Council? Please contact the CAN National Office at [email protected].