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CAN Summit 2019

On the eve of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we introduced CAN (the Canadian Accessibility Network); the new Pan-Canadian, multi-sectoral community that is advancing accessibility in Canada and beyond. This single-day immersive event brought together present and future CAN partners to engage in thought provoking idea-sharing forums to yield those collective moments of… Poursuivre la lecture CAN Summit 2019

Showcasing Accessibility through the City of Ottawa

The Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN)’s first CAN Connect Forum: Showcasing Accessibility through the City of Ottawa!   During this lunchtime session, City of Ottawa’s Lucille Berlinguette-Saumure, Program Manager for Accessibility, and Megan Richards, Accessibility Specialist, facilitated a panel discussion with key members of their team as they showcased the City’s strategic initiatives, including an overview of the… Poursuivre la lecture Showcasing Accessibility through the City of Ottawa

Accessibility in Procurement

Deidre Guy, Founder and President of Inclusive Workplace and Supply Council of Canada (IWSCC), and Jeff Wilson, Founder and CEO of Adaptability Canada, share their knowledge and expertise related to accessibility in procurement. Watch the recording below:    

A Post-Secondary Conversation 

Across Canadian post-secondary institutions, there are a variety of shared strengths and challenges regarding accessibility. This CAN Connect Forum provided an opportunity for attendees to interact in an informal, open environment, sharing experiences and learning about the successes and challenges faced at post-secondary institutions.  This event was not recorded.

Post-Pandemic Employment of Persons with Disabilities

This CAN Connect Forum provided the opportunity for attendees to interact in an informal, open environment, sharing what we’ve learned during the pandemic about employment of persons with disabilities and considering how we can identify and create more meaningful employment opportunities for persons with disabilities post pandemic.  This event was not recorded.

Accessibility Planning Tips and Best Practices

Accessibility plans are an important step towards enacting change within an organization. But creating an accessibility plan and implementing it can be challenging, especially for organizations that are developing plans for the first time. At this CAN Connect Forum, panelists with many years of accessibility planning experience shared their expertise, best practices, and tips for… Poursuivre la lecture Accessibility Planning Tips and Best Practices

Increasing Accessibility with Assistive Technology

The “Increasing Accessibility with Assistive Technology” session provided an engaging, collaborative discussion about how to make workplaces increasingly accessible and best suited for the transition from education into work.  Facilitator & Moderator, David Banes, Distinctability’s internationally recognized ally and Assistive Technology expert, and panelists from Brain in Hand UK, the Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN),… Poursuivre la lecture Increasing Accessibility with Assistive Technology

Accessibility in the Built Environment

The “Accessibility in the Built Environment” session was an engaging presentation that helped attendees learn how to identify barriers to meaningful access for people who have vision, hearing, and mobility disabilities. Uli Egger, Accessibility Specialist at the Rick Hansen Foundation, provided an overview of two accessibility education courses offered through the Rick Hansen Foundation (RHF).… Poursuivre la lecture Accessibility in the Built Environment

Accessibility in Engineering Design

Current building and accessibility codes represent basic, minimal standards that are often not accessible for all. By incorporating the lived experience of persons with disabilities, the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) is working to identify infrastructure issues that are often overlooked in design, make adjustments that can be done easily at low cost, and… Poursuivre la lecture Accessibility in Engineering Design

Reflections on Accessibility: A Conversation with Yazmine Laroche

CAN hosted a 90-minute conversation with former Deputy Minister, Yazmine Laroche, as she reflected on her life and career in the public service and the importance of removing barriers to ensure full participation of persons with disabilities in society.  The dialogue offered perspectives on what has been achieved and what we can do to continue… Poursuivre la lecture Reflections on Accessibility: A Conversation with Yazmine Laroche

AccessAbility Day 2023: Developments in Accessibility Legislation and Policies

CAN celebrated National AccessAbility Week and AccessAbility Day 2023 with a webinar event co-presented by the Canadian Accessibility Network, the City of Ottawa, and the Institute of Public Administration of Canada – National Capital Region. The event featured a Canada-wide discussion on accessibility policy at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels, featuring top institutions and public… Poursuivre la lecture AccessAbility Day 2023: Developments in Accessibility Legislation and Policies

Pathways to Change: Indigenous Insights on Accessibility and Disability

CAN hosted an engaging and thought-provoking panel discussion that raised awareness about the unique barriers and realities faced by Indigenous persons with disabilities. The conversation fostered a deeper understanding of the perceptions of accessibility and disability within Indigenous communities and explore how we can work towards reconciliation and take action to build more inclusive societies… Poursuivre la lecture Pathways to Change: Indigenous Insights on Accessibility and Disability

Accessible Transportation in Canada

Accessible transportation is not merely a matter of convenience. The ability to move freely and independently is a fundamental pillar of an inclusive and barrier-free society and one that is needed to access education, employment, healthcare, and social opportunities. This CAN Connect Forum provides attendees with an overview of the ongoing initiatives and research aimed… Poursuivre la lecture Accessible Transportation in Canada

CAN Connect Forum: Entrepreneurship in Canada – Perspectives from People with Disabilities

To mark Global Entrepreneurship Week and celebrate the success of entrepreneurs with disabilities across Canada, the Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN), in collaboration with the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP) Leaders in Canada, hosts a panel discussion that provides insights into self-employment as an accessible path for persons with disabilities. There are many reasons why individuals… Poursuivre la lecture CAN Connect Forum: Entrepreneurship in Canada – Perspectives from People with Disabilities

Forum Se connecter du RCA – Parcours vers la pleine confiance : L’accessibilité au service de la réussite collective

Date : le 26 mars 2024 À propos À l’approche du cinquième anniversaire de l’adoption de la Loi canadienne sur l’accessibilité, nous nous trouvons à un moment charnière. Ce moment est une occasion unique de réfléchir aux progrès accomplis dans l’élimination des obstacles et la promotion des possibilités d’avancement pour les personnes en situation de… Poursuivre la lecture Forum Se connecter du RCA – Parcours vers la pleine confiance : L’accessibilité au service de la réussite collective

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Virtual Event (via Zoom Meeting)

Mardi 24 septembre 2024